Monthly Archives: September 2008

You Are Getting VERY Sleepy…

This is what happens when you give your kids Benadryl. They cooperate completely with your directions, but they also manage to look like they are 3 seconds from dropping to the floor in some narcoleptic fit. And, no, I didn’t just give him some Benadryl to get a few uninterrupted hours of presidential debate watching...

Wanna Come?

Jackson had a birthday party to go to today. It was at this really cool splash park they just built in Ocean Springs, and he had a blast. There was a pavillion and picnic tables for the snacks, a splash play area, and a playground. While he played for hours with all his friends, I...

Please Don’t Ever Grow Up and Leave Us

I’m sure they will change their minds 357 times before they are grown, but as of now, Jackson wants to live with us and be four forever. Christian wants to go to college somewhere close so he can live here, too. Then he wants to be a lawyer like Daddy, so he can stay at...

Do It Again, Daddy!

Before we go fishing, we must catch bait. Oh, and when I say we, I mean Scott. Check out that form. He is such a fisherman. I am so kidding. I have no idea what good fisherman form consists of, or if there is any such thing. Great job baby! He does have plenty of...

It’s That Time Again

Time to start thinking about what we are going to be for Halloween. We could think for months, but we’d never come up with anything as good as the chicken costume. I had been trying to talk Christian into being a chicken for years, and he’d never do it. Jackson was all over it. I...