Monthly Archives: December 2013

He Got Game

Basketball practices have begun for this guy, so he spends plenty of time in the driveway getting ready. He means business!Except when he doesn’t.

Did I Mention He Turned 14?

It was a month ago, but it did happen. He got a kayak, and it’s only made it to the pool. It’s been too cold, or too foggy, or too something every weekend since. Everything went fine during the pool test, so I think it’s gonna work. He also opted for the money I would...

Around the Block

I had such good intentions to get my monthly blogging group theme done early this time. I took these almost a month ago, but had plans of getting more. Between holidays and getting sick, I never made another trip around my neck of the woods. These pictures pretty much sum it up. While most people...

Sometimes the Circle of Life is so Sad

I always say I’m not into wildlife photography or landscapes, yet, every time I have the opportunity to take pictures of animals or sunsets, I get downright giddy. Scott and I were breaking in the new ATV a couple weeks ago, and we ran across this hawk in our backyard. He was so busy eating,...