Monthly Archives: September 2008

MamMaw’s Birthday

Saturday we went over to Scott’s sister’s house for a birthday party for MamMaw. Emmy Kate was the designated present opener and she is VERY good at her job. Notice the big boys in the background bolting for the door. They ran around for a few hours and were absolutely filthy by the time we...

Steal my Kisses

Every time my kids leave their grandparents they hug them like they won’t see them again for a month. Keep in mind that they live down the street, maybe 3 or 4 houses down. Chances are, if they don’t see them in passing again that day, they will see them tomorrow. My question is, are...

I’m Not Just Saying it Because She’s Mine

But I swear she is the prettiest dog I have EVER seen. Just don’t expect her to pose for a picture . She wouldn’t look at me if I was on fire. Now if the camera wasn’t there, it’d be a different story. Go figure?!

What Exactly is a Handbasket?

Every once in awhile, my boys stop fighting for a minute. Outside they go, and if I’m lucky, I get invited to come. They swing on the swings, and don’t argue over who gets to sit where. They climb to places they shouldn’t, and no one tattles. They run barefooted through the grass and no...

A Little Jackson Love

Jackson comes home from school every day in the best mood. He’s tired, but so happy. Sometimes he’ll even let me take a picture or two, or maybe three!I’m not sure if I just got some really good eye contact in this one, or if he is trying hard to burn lasers through me and...