Monthly Archives: March 2013


Azaleas are kind of a rip off. For about 355 days of the year, they are this not even mildly attractive bush. We get about 10 days of blooming, then it’s over. 3 or 4 of those days are spent with these wilty half-blooms committing suicide and joining their trampled looking friends all smashed and...

My AR Champion

Jackson is on an Accelerated Reader roll! He made it to 375 points this week and they gave him a lobster. A few days later he was up to 400 and got a caterpillar. As of this moment, he’s got the most in the school. How awesome is that? That boy is a reading fool....

Swim Graduation

Jackson’s class graduated from swimming class. You’d think that being able to go swimming during school hours and in the winter would be a hit with 3rd graders, but both of my boys were not into it. They both learned to swim when they were 2, so it wasn’t really a necessity for us. Jackson...

Yeah, I’m One of THOSE People

I always hold one little tree out after Christmas and turn it into a Mardi Gras tree. Usually I pack it up after that and into the attic it goes, but this year, I got some of our Easter and Spring stuff out and turned it into a Spring Tree. Is that weird? I’m okay...