Monthly Archives: February 2012

Mardi Gras Continued

I know it isn’t Mardi Gras anymore, and the moment has passed, but I don’t care. The Golf Cart Parade needs to be documented! I don’t care if it’s the Ocean Springs parade, the Pascagoula parade, or Destin’s mini parade, they always come home with about the same about of loot.And it isn’t because they catch...

Happy Valentines Day, A Little Late

Jackson’s Valentines this year were basically the same as last year, just a new picture, which of course makes them new and exciting, right? No? Okay, whatever. He’s adorable, so it doesn’t matter. Christian is officially too old for Valentines, so I only get to torture one kid for this. You’re most welcome, Jackity Smackity!...

A Cold Day

We all know what a dip in the temperatures means around here… a fire! Everyone enjoys an all-day fire, but the dogs love it the most, especially Lulu. I don’t know how she can stand laying there all day, but she does. You have to force her out from in front of it even to...

It’s Jackson Week

Christian doesn’t have much time to devote to my camera these days. Free time is spent playing outside and texting, but Jackson is still cell phone free, so I only have to compete with playing outside. I assure you I’m not winning that competition. Wonder what I’ll take pictures of in 4 1/2 years… Don’t...