For the past couple of days it has looked like this outside. I love bad weather. I’m not sure what about it is so appealing, but when those skies go dark, and the wind starts blowing, you can usually find me on the back porch, watching it roll in. Today, after running some necessary errands for things like food and postage, the boys and I came home just as the skies started turning dark. Perfect timing. Scott went with my parents to New Orleans to my Dad’s eye doctor, and he got home just as the rain started. So, whaddaya do??
Well, if you are us, and we are, you go up on the back porch while it pours outside, and you either lay on the couch, play with your camera, play your Nintendo, or you color.
Then you color some more.
If you are really cool, you might show off the new tat that mom gave you last night. Pretty cool, huh? The four year old has a really nice arm band. I don’t think you can really be ready for a sleeve until you are at least 12. Don’t worry, these wash off in about a week, or less if this rain keeps up.