If You Are Easily Offended…STOP NOW

20080629_3802Don’t read any further, this will just piss you off. Christian is our cuss police. He is totally offended by four letter words. HATES IT. I don’t know how he survives us. Jackson is his back up. If you say ‘stupid’ he gets a very serious look on his face, and says “Mom, you said a bad word. Don’t say that.” I love that about him. Christian does, however, LOVE throwing signs, no, not anything crazy, but the peace sign, bull horns, hang ten, stuff like that. I love that about him. We don’t wave around here, we throw peace signs. We are funny like that. Jackson watches everything Christian does and tries to be just like him. This morning, I had the camera out because, well, I was breathing, and was just taking some pics of the boys enjoying a lazy Sunday morning. Jackson was having brunch, because he couldn’t be bothered to be awake for breakfast and saw me with my camera. He immediately started copying Christian throwing some signs for me. Ok, I know it’s wrong, and out of focus, because I was laughing so hard, but this is what I got.
20080629_3807 Ok, we have GOT to start working on Jackson’s signage because when Christian sees this, all hell is going to break loose.