Pre-gaming Thanksgiving

It’s hard to fit in holidays with everyone on the actual day so we decided to do it on a different day and just pretend. I love it. They fried turkeys and everything. I think I must have been too busy eating food or something to take pics of all that, but we did have a little cold weather and a fire, and I got a few snaps! I really hope this is a new tradition!

Celebrating Christian

Christian turned 23 last November. How did we get here so fast?We love you even more than Deebo does, and that is saying a lot! Happy birthday sweet boy. I hope video games and Harry Potter shirts always make you happy.


Now that our kids are out of the house, we have resorted to dressing up our dogs. Don’t judge. Colleen got them all hats, and we had to do it!Emmy was the cutest fox ever!And we were the neighborhood witches. I think it fits!