Look who is getting their brave on! When we ask Jackson to try something new, his first response is always NO! I just don’t know where he gets that from!? Ok, well, I do know where he gets that from, and I’m working on it, I swear. Jumping off the side into the pool was no different…no, no, no, don’t wanna do it! The good thing about Jackson is that he’s easier to persuade to try these new things, and it usually only takes once, before he realizes, hey, this is fun! I must do it over and over for the next 3 hours.
See that look on Scott’s face? It means, ha ha, I told you I’d have him swimming, going under, jumping and diving this summer. I’m pretty sure it also means going off the diving board is next. And I’m absolutely postively sure that Jackson’s first response will be a resounding…. NO! Good luck with that Mr. Big Stuff.