My Care-Givers

20080621_3569 My surgery went well, and I’m rid of that horrible gall-bladder. I am now at home recuperating. Jackson wasn’t sure about being around me at first. When he finally got comfortable enough to climb into the bed with me, he accidentally dug his little hand right into my incision, and made me gasp. He cried and was scared of me all over again. Luckily, he is over it, and is now at a birthday party livin’ it up. I’ve had two very sweet helpers that lay next to me in the bed and give me lots of attention and snuggles. Christian slept late this morning, then just transferred right over into my bed to play a little nintendo. Lulu checks on me every few hours and goes back to report to Scott with a little whine that lets him know I’m ok. It sure is nice to be loved, now pass me the pain medication…