The boys’ school switched from Saxon to Envision Math this year. Let’s try to hold back the enthusiasm, shall we? It has NOT been an easy transition! Each afternoon is filled with Christian and I both struggling and confused with the homework assignment. We’ve called in back-up (thank you Deedy) and hope to make it through the transition alive. Jackson’s homework hasn’t been too bad. I’ve been able to handle it without assistance until yesterday. Yesterday my 5 year old brought home an Envision Math sheet, and holy hell, I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me. I called Scott in and he didn’t understand the directions either. I kept thinking that if I couldn’t figure out kindergarten math, how would I ever be able to help with 4th grade?? I was in trouble.
But then I figured I’d ask Jackson if he knew how to do it and he was all, oh yeah Mom, you just look at these then look at those and blah, blah, blah, the answer is this one. And I’ll be damned, the kid was right and then the directions made perfect sense. He finished his homework sheet in 20 seconds flat and was out the door to play.
The moral of the story is Envision Math is easier to pick up if you just start with it in the beginning. Oh, and if you try to go back and learn it now, just accept that times have changed and your kids will always be smarter than you, find a tutor, and move on… or something like that.