Sweet Plant, Sweet Light, Sweet Kid

20090826_2746tBack in the Spring, when Christian was all into planting and flowers and such, he unintentionally talked Maw Maw & Paw Paw out of an orange geranium. Every time he’d go to their house, he’d go on and on about how that was his favorite flower, and he wanted one just like it, blah, blah, blah. Maw Maw looked all over but could never find another in the exact shade of his fave, so what do they do?? They tell him he can have it. For a month, Christian wouldn’t take it. He felt wrong accepting their most beautiful plant and leaving them with nothing. He’s kinda sweet like that. One day they just showed up with the plant and the cool pot and all and asked where we wanted it. We found the perfect place right in front of our house, cleared a spot, and there it sits. The pot matches our house perfectly, and it honestly looks like it was meant to be there. I’m supposed to give the pot back after I kill the plant, but I’m not making any promises. I’m pretty impressed that he still loves this plant. We have killed the other flower that was in there, but the geranium is still front and center and going strong. He checks on it, waters it occasionally, and it is still his favorite plant in our yard. Thank you Maw Maw & Paw Paw.20090826_2754t