I’m on a Mission…

20081228_0987A mission to get closer to the roosting egrets.
20081228_1009It turns out that roosting egrets don’t take to kindly to people putting around in a little boat getting all close with cameras sticking out everywhere. I did not know that about egrets.
20081228_1024Every time we’d get really close, they’d take off.
20081228_1041One minute it would be somewhat pretty skies, the next it would be yucky, and then it got kinda cloudy. Forgive me, I don’t think any of these are in order of when they were taken.
20081228_1079I guess I didn’t mind that they moved every time we got close.
20081228_1202They are gorgeous when they fly.
20081228_1228We didn’t get one of our awesome sunsets, but it was still pretty. Everything is prettier over water. I love where I live. How many people can be on the boat in short sleeves three days after Christmas? I’m sure it’s plenty, but I like to feel special. 20081228_1330