Oh my goodness, what is this??? I finally picked up my camera this weekend. Don’t be too shocked. It was bound to happen eventually. Just in time, Jackson wants a RipStik. We told him he should try out his brother’s to make sure he really liked it and felt like he was ready. The thing about Jackson is he doesn’t want our help. He doesn’t want a hand to steady him, he doesn’t want a lift from behind, he just wants everyone to stand back, be there, and let him work it out on his own. It was the same when he was learning to ride a bike. We weren’t allowed to give him a push or help with his balance. He would get frustrated and tell us, “I can do it MYSELF!” Wouldn’t it be so much easier if he had just a helping hand to get him through? Probably, but he is who he is. Today I asked Scott who that reminded him of, all the while thinking it was him, but after a little thought, and I’m talking like 2o minutes here, I came to the realization, no, that’s all me.
He tried and tried but just couldn’t quite get that other foot up there, but then it happened. It was just a split second, but he got both feet up and balanced for a moment. No, he didn’t ride off into the sunset, in fact he didn’t even move forward, but he knew he had made progress, and that was enough for today.
We all stood back watching, pulling for him, and reveling in each success. We desperately wanted to help, but we knew he had to do this on his own, and on his own terms. It’s how he works. I imagine that this is probably how my friends and family have felt about me over the last few weeks. Just like Jackson, I have known you were there, pulling for us and ready to jump in and assist in any way that you can, and that has been enough. Just like Jackson, we are beyond lucky to have family and friends that are so supportive. Just like Jackson, we will get better and before you know it, you’ll look up and see all of us riding our RipStiks off into the sunset.