Loss for Words

Sometimes things don’t work out like you think they will, and it throws you for a loop and you don’t know what to say, or how to say it or if you even want to say it at all. This blog is the story of us, printed out in books so we can look back and remember being us. I thought about skimming over this part and pretending like it didn’t happen, but it did, and it is now part of who we are, so here goes… I know I’ve been scarce around here but it’s been a crazy couple of weeks full of uncertainty and then sadness. We lost the baby last week, and I haven’t quite made it back. We are here, we are fine, but at the moment we are just trying to find normal, I know it’s around here somewhere. I also know everything happens for a reason, and who knows what the future holds, but this is where we are today. I may still be scarce, but I’ll be back. It’s all worth remembering.