Haircut Visual

Last week I said I’d share pictures of the boys haircuts, and I never got around to it. It’s been a crazy week, and blogging just wasn’t happening. I know you understand. Now that things have settled down a bit, and I may have time to break out the camera, my computer is making a god-awful sound, a choking, grumbling, almost wheezing kind of sound. I know it’s about to give out on me, and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get it over to the computer doctor. Not to mention, I know they’ll take it away and send it off to Apple. I don’t know if you know it, but me and my Mac are like peas and carrots, and I just can’t do without her. It’s a her, I’m pretty sure. Mac’s are girls, and PC’s are boys. I have a whole big set of reasons I think this, but that’s for another day. Anyway, if you don’t see me for awhile, blame it on the fact that there isn’t an Apple store close and the old girl sputtered out on me. I’m hoping for the best. On to haircuts. I’ll share two pictures each. The first is the visual of the hair-did, the second one is more for reals, playa!

1. Haircut:

2. For reals, playa!

1. Hair cut:2. For reals playa!P.S. Check out the half-a-chicklet tooth coming in there. It’s gonna be a whopper! For reals playa!