I have more pictures from the America program, but I still can’t decide if I like them better in color or black and white. I’m leaning towards the color, even if it’s a little off, because you can see all the red, white and blue. Christian was pretty funny about the whole thing. He kept saying how awful it was that he had to stand for 55 minutes, and it made him too tired. Truthfully, the awful part for him was standing up there in front of a room full of people and singing. Can’t say as I blame him, but he sure did look handsome.
The teacher was sitting down in the front singing the words for them and Christian’s eyes never left her during the songs. He sang every word and did every motion.
He looked pretty uncomfortable throughout the whole thing and a little relieved after each song was over. Public speaking or being in the choir, definitely not in his future. No matter, we’re proud parents any way you cut it.
Jackson was pretty excited about going, which isn’t like him. He usually asks if he can stay with MawMaw and PawPaw when we go someplace. Since they were coming, that wasn’t an option. Sitting with PawPaw was an option, and it was good enough to make going worthwhile. It all went well until the singing started. He quickly realized it was too loud for him and started asking if we could leave NOW. When we told him no, and to be quiet he puffed up and sat through the rest of the program like this…
Little booger! Could have been worse, though. He could have been the little boy who came and sat right in front of us writhing around on the floor being loud and occasionally kicking us by accident, or his brother that came to get him, ended up staying and then rolling around on the floor with his little brother fighting, or the mom who came to drag them away and bent over for us to view her plumber butt while she dragged the little demons back to her chair. The first boy wriggled away and came back, lucky us, and resumed his writhing, yelling, and kicking. All it took was Jackson getting kicked once for Scott to nudge the little punk back and tell him to move away from his kid. He did and left soon after. There is no gift in the world that could have made me love Scott more than I did at that moment. I enjoyed the rest of the Christian’s 3rd grade performance with this as my only annoyance. God bless America!