3rd Grade Program

20090219_2857The 3rd graders at Christian’s school had their America program last night. Before we left, I wanted to get a couple pictures of the boys. You should have heard the moaning and groaning. As if I’d let a moment like this pass us by without documenting it in pictures, PLEASE! I told them to stand by each other and they did. I told them to act like they liked each other, and they did.20090219_2858

When we got there I wanted to make sure I had my camera all set so I asked my 3rd grader to go sit up there for a second, and he did, but not without more moans and groans.20090219_2862

Looks like I had my camera set, but that yucky fluorescent light makes the colors wonky. That’s a technical term, of course. Oh well, no biggie. Black and white works for me, too. I’ll have more of my patriotic singing sensation tomorrow.20090219_2862bw