Category Archives: Weather

Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch- Changes…

I just love lightning, and trying to capture it in a picture just makes my day or night. Whatever. I have some bad news completely unrelated to lightning. My computer is dying. It’s been good to me and I have loved it, but in it’s old age, with the added stress of photo editing software,...

Whaddaya Do?

For the past couple of days it has looked like this outside. I love bad weather. I’m not sure what about it is so appealing, but when those skies go dark, and the wind starts blowing, you can usually find me on the back porch, watching it roll in. Today, after running some necessary errands...

It’s Really Hard to Focus in the Dark

We had quite the lightning show last night. I thought I’d try to get a few pictures. I had a really hard time focusing in the dark, and wasn’t really sure what I was doing, but they are better than last time I tried, so at least there is that. It’s really funny, my kids...