Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch- Changes…

2008Jul27_5408 I just love lightning, and trying to capture it in a picture just makes my day or night. Whatever. I have some bad news completely unrelated to lightning. My computer is dying. It’s been good to me and I have loved it, but in it’s old age, with the added stress of photo editing software, it just isn’t what it used to be. Poor thing, just being tossed out for being old. I feel sorry for it. Not sorry enough to keep it, but sorry just the same.
2008Jul27_5403 I am eagerly awaiting its replacement, which should take about a week or so. I have officially gone Mac!!! I’m nervous about the learning curve, but excited to see what it can do. Right now, I have minimum use of my photo editing software, and I am truly going through withdrawals. Who knew how important to my chemical make-up Photoshop was?!
2008Jul27_5411 I’m hoping after the next couple of weeks, I will be back up and running, and probably posting pictures of lightning until my heart is content… or something like that.