Category Archives: School

Jackson’s Last First Day

Well, here we are, Jackson’s first day of his senior year. You know, Jackson has never been late for school. We’ve never overslept, or missed the bus or anything like that. Jackson’s truck was in the shop, so he opted to ride with his friend. We came outside to wait for him and I was...

Senior Portraits

One of the reasons we came home early was to take Fergie to the vet, the other was for Jackson to go take his yearbook photos. He just needed a shirt and tie for the cap and gown. All he needs is a little cap and he can join ACDC. Don’t they dress like this??

School Pictures– Jackson 11TH GRADE

Since Jackson knows he can’t be trusted with his picture order forms, we just ordered straight from the source this year. Pictures got postponed due to weather, so I don’t think he even knew he was taking pictures on this day. I sure didn’t. Good thing he’s handsome!


My only semi-willing and available subject these days is Deebo, and this puppy stage isn’t going to last long, so basically this will be the Deebo show for awhile. Sorry, not sorry!

Flashback Friday

All this school starting has me flashing back to about 1978 on my very first day of 1st grade. I was walking to school from Grandma’s. The neighborhood girls were all a year or 2 older than me and all that time I’d watch them from my window leaving each morning. This was the first...