Category Archives: School

First Day of School, Junior Year Edition

I can’t believe it, first that my baby is a junior in high school, and second, that they actually let them go back to school while at the same time calling for a 2 week lock down due to Covid. Only work and school, no funerals, no gatherings, and no restaurants, etc. Christian says that...

Scouting Locations

I had a location in mind for Christmas cards last year, and I asked the boys if I could take their pics just to see if I liked it. No dressing up, no smiling, no pressure… and here is how that went.Ok, y’all may go!Awesome locations, though.

Greyhound Greatness

First, these aren’t my pictures, I got them off Facebook from the school district. Jackson got a lunch invitation this week. Apparently, each department in the school nominates 2 or 3 kids for kicking ass, so they had a group of about 30 kids, and the culinary students prepared them all a steak lunch. As...

At the Stadium With My Peeps

We met Mr. Jimmy & Ms. Cindy at the stadium, and I had to get a few pics of the crew before we headed in.Tony the Landshark even got in one with us!That is the student section starting to fill up. Can you find Christian. I did, in like 3 seconds. The powder blue shirt...

99 Club

We got this in the mail last week. Jackson was adamant that he would not be participating, but what an honor??? He did wear his shirt to get in the game free. When they all were called to the field, Jackson didn’t get up, but one of the administrators was sitting behind him. She told...