Category Archives: Food

Making Gumbo

For the last few years, I have made the gumbo for Christmas. I take the opportunity to fill my freezer. Scott and Christian were hunting, but Jackson helped me a little on the 4th batch. I’m teaching him my Momma’s ways. I know it’s a mess, but there is a method to my madness. And...

Mother’s Day Crawfish Boil

Scott boiled crawfish on his own for the first time for my Mother’s Day, and lemme tell ya, they were GOOD! The boys, although distracted, stuck around all day.Lulu did, too. I’ll pretend that it was for me, and not for the crawfish.Can’t get any better than that!

It’s a Milestone

Scott and I finally made gumbo together. He skipped out at the end, and completely missed the making of the second batch, but cutting vegetables for me totally makes that okay! I feel so grown up!

Ten on Tuesday

1. We survived Tropical Storm Lee. I think it was a Tropical Storm, truthfully, I’m not even sure. To me, it was just an excuse to stay home all weekend and wear pajamas, and. it. was. AWESOME! 2. During this time at home we replenished all our goodies. I don’t know if anyone cares about...

Home Sick

Jackson has spent the last couple days home with a fever, but today I could tell it was almost over. He did all his make-up work, read his story, and then played with his Lego’s.His only request has been that I make his favorite cookies. I’m not claiming that they have any healing powers, but...