Category Archives: Fergie

Some Random

These pictures somehow never made it on here, but it doesn’t mean I love them any less. In fact, the pelican is one of my faves! My kayaking fisherman is always a favorite.Ms. Beth’s pelicans were a highlight from Mardi Gras.My sweet doggie children cuddling back in March…Christian putting on a baseball uniform again this...

The Dogs’ Lazy Winter

These lazy girls don’t like the cold. It’s not our fire, it’s theirs, and if you ever get confused and think it’s yours, they will jump on the hearth and remind you.Lulu didn’t want her big thick bed, she wanted to curl up on this little dog bed. Jealous much?No fire? That’s okay, they’ll just...

Lemme Tell You About My New Favorite Thing

Remember back in the day when we had those death trap heated blankets, well they are still around. God bless America! They have safety turn off switches now, and aren’t supposed to burn us in our sleep. We bought a couple during a cold snap, and have stayed under them since. A couple days ago...

Snow Days, Seriously!

We never get snow. Ever. Occasionally, they will tell us there is a chance and everyone gets all excited, but it never happens. We get a little sleet, and a flurry once every 5 or 6 years, but it doesn’t stick. EVER!So, when they predicted a winter storm and cancelled school, we crossed our fingers,...