Snow Days, Seriously!

We never get snow. Ever. Occasionally, they will tell us there is a chance and everyone gets all excited, but it never happens. We get a little sleet, and a flurry once every 5 or 6 years, but it doesn’t stick. EVER!So, when they predicted a winter storm and cancelled school, we crossed our fingers, made a fire, and went about our business. Then it started sleeting and the sleet sorta stuck. This went on for hours, with a few snowflakes mixed in, and the boys were in heaven.Sure it was mostly sleet, but when that stuff piles up, it looks like snow. Now, don’t get it twisted, when I say piles up, I mean you can still see grass, but there is some white there, too. They told us it would really snow sometime after 11:oo that night. I stayed up as late as I could, but I never saw that real fluffy white stuff coming out of the sky. The next day, it was still freezing, and there was ‘snow’ everywhere. The boys spent the entire day, and part of the night outside having ice wars and skim boarding on bridges and hills. We had at least 15 boys of all ages back there at one point hurling sleetballs, and there may or may not have been some black eyes and blood involved. Lulu hated it at first, but she finally got into the groove and joined in the fun, but only after the sleetball war.Fergie loved it from the beginning.Okay, so it’s not like any serious snow, but for us coast rats, this is the remnants of a southern blizzard.It stuck around for days and closed roads and bridges all over town.Don’t laugh! We aren’t prepared for this kind of shit!They cancelled school for three days, and it was the best three days of these little coast rats’ lives!