Category Archives: Family

My Care-Givers

My surgery went well, and I’m rid of that horrible gall-bladder. I am now at home recuperating. Jackson wasn’t sure about being around me at first. When he finally got comfortable enough to climb into the bed with me, he accidentally dug his little hand right into my incision, and made me gasp. He cried...

Cast Offs

Sometimes I can’t take a decent picture of something to save my life. The light is too bright. The angle isn’t working. Venus and Mars didn’t line up with the sun…who knows?!? No matter how many pictures I took of Scott throwing the cast net, it just wasn’t happening for me. So this is what...

I Wanna Go Fast

I forgot to post this the other day with our vacation pics. The boys ALWAYS ride the go-carts when we are at the beach. They love it… not sure who loves it more, but they love it. These are the fast ones, and look at Christian. He’s just turned over the driving to his Daddy....

1 – 2 – Free…GO!

Scott told me at the end of last summer he’d have Jackson swimming by this summer. I didn’t believe it. My baby? The one that melts down completely when the shower water trickles into his eyes? The one who has to completely climb out of the tub to dry his face off if a drop...

Now Who Does This Remind You Of??

While Christian has more of my personality, I suppose Jackson is more like his Daddy. He’s got that determination in him that could never have come from me. I feel sure if anyone ever tells this child he cannot do something, he’ll do it just to prove he can, then do it once more just...