Category Archives: Family

I Always Miss My “REAL” Camera

We haven’t made as many island trips this summer as we usually do, but we did manage to squeeze one in this weekend. The Taylor clan came with us and we met some other friends out there. The kids had a great time.Even Jackson and Emily got along. They love each other, really they do,...

Have I Ever Told You About My Wedding?

I didn’t dream of my wedding as a little girl. I didn’t have visions of me in a white dress or a veil. I never stuck a pillowcase on my head and pretended to do the wedding march. To be completely truthful, I really never thought I’d get married. Who would WANT to marry me?...

Teachers Invade The Early Show

My sister wrote a grant for something or other for her 4th grade classroom, and was one of the few selected, not only to receive the grant, but to go to New York and attend a workshop that related to the grant. Should I be capitalizing grant? I’m not sure. Oh well. Thank goodness I’m...

A Few From Vacation

We are home, and we are tired so forgive me if this post makes no sense at all. Why is it that vacation always make you feel like you need another vacation? Could it be the non-stop activity? Maybe it’s the staying up a bit later and getting up a bit earlier. Whatever it was,...


Baseball is officially over for us this year. I know it’s wrong to say this, and it’s not that I don’t love to watch him play because I really do, but I am so okay with it. Our team faced plenty of setbacks. We lost 3 of our best players before the tournament even started....