Teachers Invade The Early Show

20090722_1591My sister wrote a grant for something or other for her 4th grade classroom, and was one of the few selected, not only to receive the grant, but to go to New York and attend a workshop that related to the grant. Should I be capitalizing grant? I’m not sure. Oh well. Thank goodness I’m not a teacher. Anyhoo, she is there now, and may even check this on her Blackberry at some point. Hey Donna!!! Sorry I don’t know the specifics on your grant or what it is you are really doing up there, but I promise I’m proud no matter how clueless I may be. This morning we got a call to put it on CBS and watch the crowd, and sure enough, in the crowd of red shirted teachers, there was my sister. I of course grabbed the camera. We saw her quite a few times, but as soon as I picked up my camera, she was nowhere to be found. Finally, towards the end of the segment, they panned the crowd one last time, and I caught her. Eyes closed, and flinging her hair out of her eyes, I got a shot of my sister on The Early Show. How cool is that????20090722_1591w