Category Archives: Family

Because I’m so Responsible

So, I was watching my Mom & Dad’s animals for a few days, and they’ve got a motley little crew going on down there. The first day I went over and found this. Crap! I killed the cat. Now I was going to have to explain that one of her 17 stray cats she’s taken...

Loss for Words

Sometimes things don’t work out like you think they will, and it throws you for a loop and you don’t know what to say, or how to say it or if you even want to say it at all. This blog is the story of us, printed out in books so we can look back...


These cute boys had a blast playing together in Destin! I can’t say they enjoyed picture time quite as much.I tried to make it quick and painless, but let’s be honest… group pictures are never quick OR painless.They did a great job. I mean, is that cute or what???

Gone Fishin’

Christian is quite the fishing instructor. He helped his cousins with their bait while Jackson sat on his butt. Jackson likes to watch more than fish. Paw Paw and Lulu hooked Ian up. They are pretty good fishing instructors, too.