Category Archives: Christian

Hell Yeah, Damn Right…

Christian has really been leaning towards going to Ole Miss next fall, so we thought we might want to go to a game this year so he could check it out before he makes his school visit. Allen was going to take them, but it fell through, so Colleen and I stepped in. Mr. Jimmy and...

Homecoming – Part 3 Marshall Park

Ok, get comfortable. I have a lot, and we are going to do it in one post. The kids were going to eat downtown, so we decided to break from the White House Hotel and Ruskin Oak tradition and head to Marshall Park. Nikki said that it would be crowded and since I never see any...

Homecoming 2017 – Part 2

Ok, I jumped the gun when I posted Homecoming pictures yesterday. You can’t go to homecoming, if you don’t ask, right? Christian finally got his chance last week. He still had the shirt from Freshman year when he asked her, so I helped him decorate the back. Throw in some candy, chocolate and vandalism, and...