Homecoming – Part 3 Marshall Park

Ok, get comfortable. I have a lot, and we are going to do it in one post. The kids were going to eat downtown, so we decided to break from the White House Hotel and Ruskin Oak tradition and head to Marshall Park. Nikki said that it would be crowded and since I never see any photos from there I assumed it would be fine. Nikki was right. I saw all those people and wanted to run.  I didn’t think there was any way we’d have a picture that didn’t have 40 kids or 10 cars in the background. I was mostly right, but it’s hard to mess up photos of kids this pretty! Jak and his date were there taking pictures, along with the rest of the High School, so we had to get some pics with him.We had to get some pics of the boys!!!Colleen made a Fred and Ginger moment happen.I caught Nikki in a grumpy moment,but she perked right up for the camera!Aren’t they gorgeous??? And no, I am not biased!
Off to the dance… last homecoming is in the books!