Category Archives: AquaTech

Summer Storms

I don’t know why we never check the radar before we head out. We see some sun, and out we go. Oh, look, Jackson cut his hair off. It’s very cute, but it makes me sad every time.All of a sudden, we see dark clouds out there. No biggie, it’s far away.Um, I just saw...

Day 1 With Big Blue

The first thing I learned out there is Blue is heavy, but amazingly, she floats. I tried balancing her on a boogie board, putting it on Auto, and shooting away. I was intimidated. I was worried that I made a mistake with this purchase. I struggled with the waves, trying to balance, lack of control,...

My New Favorite Camera Thing

If you know me, you know how much I love the water, any water. I have been taking water pics with disposable, then point and shoots as long as I can remember. I loved those pictures, but the quality, not so much. I always missed my big camera. Scott kept telling me to get a...