I think from now on, at the end of every month I’m going to go through all my pictures that I never got around to blogging and post them. There are a zillion reasons they never made it, some I was slow to edit, and by the time I got to them, the moment had passed, some I saved in the wrong place and forgot about, some got left out because I take so many pictures I can’t fit them all, and sometimes I become scarce and I forget to blog for a few weeks and never go back and catch up. This is me catching up… While in Destin, we did take more pictures of the cousins. Honestly, I may have posted these already, if so, they are cute enough to post again. Have you ever seen a better looking bunch of boys? And yes, Paw Paw included!
I managed to snap a few of my brother and his family even though, like me, he hates having his picture taken. Totally worth it. Family pictures are priceless.
Some new friends we made in Destin. Oh, Kelli, is it okay if I post pictures of your kids on my blog?
Here is one of Jackson filling out his 1st grade paperwork. I needed all the help I could get.
Christian walking into his school on the first day… fifth grade… really? Yes, really.
Jackson being cute. He’s so good at it.
My Rip-stik king, and the shirtless wonder, just a regular day…
A nasty case of poison ivy that we won’t soon forget…
And leaving Pecan Park’s Monkey Joe’s fundraiser… I have no idea why I break out my camera at times like this, but I do.
Okay, so that’s about it. I’m sure there are more, but I feel cleansed. I am now officially ready for September. I can’t believe it’s almost September! Bring on the football!