Monthly Archives: September 2018

And All Was Right in my World

Christian had been gone for 2 weeks when Labor Day rolled around. Initially he wasn’t coming home, but then he got sick, and I’d like to think he just wanted to come home to be taken care of, see us, and recuperate. Honestly, he probably just wanted to sleep in his big comfortable bed, and shower...

Homecoming… Already??

And, no, I don’t mean is the date already upon us, I mean, is Jackson seriously old enough to go to homecoming? Well, since he obviously is, I can’t tell you how excited I am that he decided to go with his oldest friend, Lainey. They had already made plans to go together, but that didn’t...

Welcome to Ole Miss

You would think that we had tons of pictures from when we moved Christian in to his dorm, but we don’t. I brought the camera, but didn’t really break it out. Right before we left him, we stopped in the grove to take a few and walked over to the Lyceum.