Monthly Archives: September 2018

Homecoming 2018 – Part 1

This year, I made sure to get a few pictures of my Jack Smack on his own. We don’t dress up too much around here, so we really needed to document it!This kid cleans up nice! Much more to come!

Location Scouting

Jackson’s homecoming group had plans to come to the Inner Harbor park for pictures. I wasn’t sure where that was, so we made a quick trip. It really is a pretty place for pictures.We walked all the piers and checked out the gazebo, and I felt pretty comfortable. The next day we showed up at...

What He Sends Me

I’ve requested occasional selfies be sent from Oxford so I don’t lose my mind missing our boy. Here he is with his roommate, Garrett. He’s from Delaware and they just signed up for the same room. It was the perfect match. Here he is with Caroline, also a perfect match.This is Christian on his first day...

Flashback Friday

In honor of my momma’s birthday last weekend, I’m flashing back to Christmas Eve, 2007. I was going through some ole pictures, and I had never even come across these! Jackson’s lopsided “smile” was still in effect. Happy Birthday, Momma. We love you!!!!