We love paddling in the bay! It’s pretty easy to stay upright, but when it’s windy, it a little harder to get where you wanna go.Just ask Jackson.But, if I can do it, anyone can!And I can do it!It’s pretty miraculous!
Waiting on the fireworks, and I’m sure I looked like a total nerd dragging my family along on to a golf course hill behind our house with my tripod. Don’t care. Totally worth it! Longer exposures must make for bluer skies. It definitely makes a shot with more fireworks in one frame!I’m guessing the color of the firework has...
We were at Grayton about a week ago and the boys did a little skimboarding. Jackson gets more and more brave every time. He’s getting good!I imagine it helps to have an expert older brother, well, if you pay attention to his instructions.Now Christian knows what it feels like to have his advice ignored.I don’t think he...
Jackson and I headed over to Sandestin’s very crowded beach last night to watch the sunset, and you know I brought my camera. We made our way to the spot with the least amount of people, because we all know I’m not into crowds, and waited. While we waited, I took some pictures.I know he’s mine, and...