Monthly Archives: September 2011

Hummingbird Central

Has it really been a year since I took pictures of hummingbirds at Mom & Dad’s house? Mom brought me a hummingbird feeder over after last time and we filled it occasionally. Then, it hung there empty and right around the time the hummingbirds came back in town we had a storm. It ripped the...

Well, Here We Go

Christian started football practice a couple weeks ago, but this was the first one I made. He’s playing quarterback and safety, just like his Daddy. Scott was recruited to be assistant coach, and I don’t think he minds one bit. Practice starts with the boys getting dressed and ready.Then there is a lot of running,...

Grandparent’s Tea

In 2nd grade at Ocean Springs schools they have a Grandparent’s Tea, and it was finally Jackson’s turn. Mam Maw was there, too, but we didn’t break out the camera in time. Not that I got a chance to take any pictures, Scott and I were too busy helping with the food. Luckily, my mom...

Ten on Tuesday

1. I bought Jackson a little lego set and in return I got to take some pictures in my two favorite picture taking spots. It wasn’t a bribe, but I figured I might as well take advantage of my purchase. I was quite pleased with the results. 2. Today was the 2nd grade Grandparents’ Tea....

Haircut Visual

Last week I said I’d share pictures of the boys haircuts, and I never got around to it. It’s been a crazy week, and blogging just wasn’t happening. I know you understand. Now that things have settled down a bit, and I may have time to break out the camera, my computer is making a...