Monthly Archives: April 2011

We Never Make it Easy

Jackson has finally lost his first tooth!!! Excuse my pictures. It seems like all our important moments have been happening during crappy lighting these days. Oh well, the kids are still cute, I can’t mess that up!  When Jack Smack got home from school, we realized the tooth was really loose and close to coming...

Taconi Time Machine 2011

Today Christian suited up as Robert E. Lee and traveled back in time with his Connections class. Here he is back stage getting ready to work the fog machine. What can I say, my kid is very handy!He remembered all his lines, and the whole cast did a great job. I spent all day at...

Field Trip

Christian had a field trip last week to the Sand Hill Crane Refuge. They showed and explained controlled burns, and even let them put out a fire. Ms. Foster got soaked in that disaster, but they did win the competition.They had a nature hike, snacks, art projects, and a picnic. I was even allowed to...

We Are Never Gonna Get There

We tried to go to the islands again today. It was blue skies, sunny, not too much wind. It was perfect… until we got out front. It was so foggy, we figured out quickly it was time to turn around. DMR was out and about, although they were hard to see.We made it back under...

Home Away from Home

Sometimes it feels like we spend most of our lives at a baseball field. I’m not complaining, truly, I love it, but are you sick of baseball pics yet? Not much I can do about it, just thought I’d ask. These are from Jackson’s game earlier in the week.He got a double. Lately he gets...