Monthly Archives: April 2011

Grayton Beach

My favorite day this week was spent at Grayton Beach. Come to think of it, a favorite day in Florida usually does involve Grayton. It didn’t hurt matters that we were with great friends and family and it was a beautiful perfect day.The boys spent most of it in the lagoon catching fish and playing,but...

So Hard to Leave…

…but always good to be home. I have 4 zillion pictures of our week, but as usual, I’m too tired to start all that. More beach pictures to come soon. I miss Spring Break already!

Day and Night

I’ve taken pictures just like these before with the boys up on this same hill, more than once actually, but I had the opportunity to do it again, so I took it. Not every night is the right night for the moon hill pics, but we were cruising around a couple nights ago and I...

Officially a Bass Fishing Family

We’ve spent a lot of time fishing during our first weekend of Spring Break. Normally we fish for bream, but our friends told us that there was a new bait shop across the street that carries shiners, and they were the trick for bass. Boy, were they right, thanks guys! We’ve all given it a...

Love, TF

The Tooth Fairy came last night, and I’ll be damned if he/she didn’t answer Jackson’s note. That Tooth Fairy sure is nice. The handwriting looks a little familiar, but I just can’t place it. Not that it matters, Jackson was satisfied with his take and the note, so it’s all good!   Spring Break has begun,...