Monthly Archives: July 2009

Blessed Day

Scott and I went to Derrell’s funeral Mass this morning and the boys stayed with Mom and Dad. I came home early and Mom & Dad dropped the boys off soon after. I think it was my boys. It looked like them, kinda smelled like them, but something was off. I was putting up groceries...

On My Poop List

I really don’t want to post these pictures right now for a number of reasons, but I will anyway. I’ve been walking around for over an hour for the last couple nights waiting for Ferg’s to poop because she usually does at night and it’s not happening. Could be because she’s been pooping in my...

Home Away From Home

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I hate to leave my house. If I could shop online for my groceries, I’d be all over it. I hear the word vacation and my first thought is CRAP! I have to sleep in a strange bed where the pillows are never right and I always...

A Few From Vacation

We are home, and we are tired so forgive me if this post makes no sense at all. Why is it that vacation always make you feel like you need another vacation? Could it be the non-stop activity? Maybe it’s the staying up a bit later and getting up a bit earlier. Whatever it was,...