Home Away From Home

20090716_1314I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I hate to leave my house. If I could shop online for my groceries, I’d be all over it. I hear the word vacation and my first thought is CRAP! I have to sleep in a strange bed where the pillows are never right and I always forget to bring my own. I have to pack everything but the kitchen sink, then make the dreaded trip to the store when I get there only to forget things like mustard, butter, sugar, or paper towels. I have to make arrangements for our dogs, and I hate leaving them even though Lulu never minds. (Thank you Sandra!!!) I won’t have my Mom & Dad down the street and we can’t call them at 9:00 at night and make them come down and visit because Jackson said so. I just love home, and everything else is outside of my comfort zone. I still go, and I always have fun, but it’s not home. It’s awful, I know, but we might try to change that. Maybe if we had a little place with our things, and maybe some mustard and one of my pillows, I’d feel more at home. Maybe? A couple of our days at the beach were spent looking at condos. We pre-warned the kids that this was going to happen and even gave them the option of going to Kid Zone for a few hours while we went, but they wanted to be in the loop on any huge family decisions. We looked and looked, but nothing seemed to be a good fit. Finally we asked about our favorite subdivision in SanDestin and were suprised to see a few listed. When we walked in the second one, I knew it was the one I liked best. 20090716_1356The boys immediately made themselves at home on the floor while we checked out the rest of the place. 20090716_1323eThere were great views, plenty of space, and tons of light. There were bathtubs in the right spots, lots of storage space, and places for extra beds. All of this made us happy. There’s a pool and a place to fish. This will make my kids happy. There was one set of steps out the back door down to the grass and that will make my dogs happy. Basically, we love it. All it needs is a few mattress covers, new sheets and towels, some mustard, paper towels, a few of our things and our whole motley crew and it’ll be just like home. I’ll let you know if it works out.20090716_1361us