On October 28th, right before going into surgery, they removed Scott’s cast, and his leg looked like this. It was still pretty black and blue, swollen, and crooked.
During the surgery, his doctor fixed it all up with some hardware, stapled him up, and put a cast on. I won’t bore you with the details of how awful he was to those poor nurses in recovery, or how when he found out I was only allowed 10 minutes back to see him every 4 hours he started pulling off wires and cussing. I certainly won’t explain how the nurses had to call his doctor at his request less than 2 hours after surgery and ask if he could be released to go home when he really should have stayed the night. I definitely won’t disclose that those same poor nurses couldn’t kick his ass out fast enough, and had him safely buckled in my front seat 10 minutes later heading back to Ocean Springs. Good times, good times… Scott’s cast stayed on for 10 days, then we went back to have the staples removed.
The doctor said that everything looked great, and he was right where he needed to be as far as recovery goes.
When he showed us the x-ray, I couldn’t help but ask about that one errant screw. It looked like the doc just dropped one in there by accident and forgot all about it.
He assured me that the errant screw had a purpose, and he didn’t seem like it bothered him that I was questioning his mad surgery skills. Come on, you know that screw looked wrong!!!