With this boy, I swear there is never a dull moment. The limo brought the kids to eat at the White House Hotel. It’s a fantastic place for pictures, obviously, I mean, we were there last year. Unfortunately, they got there 15 minutes before their reservation, which they would NOT hold. Any pictures that I have of them looking at me are flukes, Christian was helping me out, or it was a miracle. All the parents were there, and again, I didn’t fight for a spot. Again, didn’t matter, all gorgeous!
Don’t think he tied that. It was all for show before a professional swooped in.
They took some small group shots…
then some of the girls. Christian and William were just sitting to the side waiting so I took that opportunity to get some of them. Love these!
They have this Homecoming business figured out. Oh wait, where are the girls??
My picture of the large group…
Someone shared one with me from their cell phone with them looking. Thank you!!!
They took one last shot of just the boys being silly.
Right before the group was about to head into dinner Christian bumped into Dawson, and I’m so glad. They looked so nice and so happy! I love this picture.
I managed to grab Christian and his date as they were walking away and got two pictures of them looking at me.
Is it just me or did these two look good??
The kids made it just in time for dinner and the chaos in front of the hotel of thousands of Homecoming pictures continued without them. As we were leaving we noticed this lady in one of the windows of the hotel in her robe watching. She was kind of elegant, and kind of creepy. The robe just made it weird.
Maybe she was the ghost of Homecoming past.
The End.