This week, Christian went on a field trip with the 6th grade Connections group, and I went with them. The first night was spent at Nottoway Plantation. We got there and quickly dressed for dinner. They took the kids on the ghost tour of the mansion, then brought them to the ballroom for dinner and dancing. They’ve been working on the waltz in the classroom for a month or so. Christian said he was a little unsure of his steps, but I couldn’t tell.
Okay, here’s the part where I tell you that I have lots more dancing pictures, but something happens to a kid when he turns 12, he starts worrying about looking silly. So, if you see a password protected post occasionally, just know that I have pictures that I love that I want in my blog book, that my 12 year old would not like the world to see. Please bear with me. I promise, he’ll be back to normal in about 10 years or so. Thank you for your support, and we’d like to return you to the regularly scheduled program.