I have to really force myself to go places. If I didn’t, I’d stay home all the time. Is that wrong? Today, Mom and I were going to Target, and my daddy decided to come with us. When the boys got up, I gave them the option of staying home and playing with Scott or going shopping with us. Christian didn’t even hesitate…shopping??? No thanks. Jackson on the other hand was in a pickle. Shopping…yuck, but PawPaw was going. Shopping or not, Jackson wasn’t going to miss a day with Pawpaw. You see that look Jackson has up there. It’s pure adoration, and it is directed full force at my daddy. I understand that look completely, after all, he is MY daddy. I practically invented that look. So, shopping we went, and even though we did some serious shopping, we somehow managed to fit in some fun things for Jackson.
There were cars, and freaky looking passengers.
There were cars with freaky looking drivers.