Playing in baseball tournaments is HARD!! We went to Brandon, Mississippi this weekend with Christian’s travelling team, The
Roadhounds. We stayed in a hotel with a bunch of friends, which I personally think was the highlight of the trip for my kids.
MawMaw &
PawPaw came and the boys got to take turns staying in their room, another highlight. This is Jackson, during his turn to sleep with us. Before he dozed off, he was really ticked that he had to take turns at all.
During one of the breaks between games Jackson wiped out on the cement. He screamed bloody murder for awhile, then let it go. He busted his chin, elbow and knee. There was actually blood in his hair, on his clothes, and all over. This sent him over the edge. He would have handled it much better had there not been blood in so many places. He got over it and was deemed the toughest 3 year old we know, and coolest.

Roadhounds played better than I’ve ever seen them play. They run ruled every game they played… except the last one. The team they beat the day before, 18 to 2, came back in the championship game and beat them. Even though the trophy says runner up, each and every player played a first rate tournament and has something to smile about!