Too Much Information

I have been nominated by my fellow bloggers (Katie at The Rivers Roost & Janice at The Life of Ryleigh) to write ten interesting facts about myself. Thank you girls. At least I think you meant me. I’m totally going to just act like I know they meant me. I can’t promise interesting, but here goes:

1.   I wore braces on my legs all during 3rd grade. There was a lot of Velcro, metal, plastic and some hideous corrective shoes involved. Third grade was hard.

2.  I was extremely limber growing up. I could do splits, backbends and kicks that didn’t seem humanly possible. My personal favorite was laying on my stomach and flipping my legs backwards like a pretzel and placing them flat on the ground by my shoulders. I should have joined the circus.

3.  I used to plant sticks in my grandmother’s flower bed and water them thinking I was going to make them grow. Once I dug up one of the sticks and found  a sweet potato. Years later my grandmother told me she put it there to make me feel better about all my hard work. It did.

4.  I stuck a grape up my nose during CCD one time. I was about 10, in other words, old enough to know better. I didn’t tell a soul while I sat there freaking smooth out. Just when I decided I had to tell the teacher, I sneezed.

5. I have the ugliest feet in the world. Scott calls them the claws. It really bothered me when I was younger, and I wouldn’t even wear sandals. I still won’t get a pedicure and inflict them on some poor unsuspecting soul, but I have no problem wearing flip flops year round. I’m too old to care at this point.

6. I met Scott when I went off to college and got a job at a law firm in Hattiesburg. He was one of my bosses and I had a huge crush on him. He quit and moved to Jackson, and a week later I quit and transferred to Ole Miss. When I finished school he was working at the law firm in my hometown where I worked summers and holidays. We started dating a few years after that first meeting.

7.  We used to have family dance-fests in our living room all the time when I was little. You should see my Mom do the bump. I’ve continued the tradition. Rather than Janis Joplin, Funky Town and Grease, we dance to Ludacris, Missy Elliott and FloRida. Scott, like Daddy, is more of a spectator, but we occasionally drag him in the mix.

8. I was more of a jock than a girly-girl. I played softball from 5 to 20 and preferred jeans to dresses. I did have some crazy bleached blonde hair around that time, so I wasn’t ALL tomboy, I was also part unfortunate fashion mistake.

9.  I became an aunt for the first time and a big sister for the second time in a 2 week period during the month before my 9th birthday. It was a big month for me.

10.  I’m not a kid person. Babies scare me a little bit and I never thought I’d want any of my own because of that fear. I was so wrong. They were everything I never knew I always wanted. What movie was that from?

Okay, now you know way more about me than you really bargained for. Sorry about that. Now, for those I’m tagging, here are the rules:
1. Say thanks and give a link to the one who gave you the award.
2. Share 10 honest things about yourself.
3. Present this award to 3 other fantastically brilliant blogs of content or design, or peeps that have encouraged you.– I tag Sandra at My Camera’s Eye, Laura at Laura Winslow Photography, and Sara at Sara Baker Photography.
4. Tell those 3 people they’ve been awarded and make sure they’re informed of these guidelines

And because a post is completely worthless without pictures, here are a couple old ones I scanned. Don’t be jealous because of my dresses! Here I am around the time I was growing sticks.

c013 copyAnd here I am with Grandma & Grandpa in all my blonde girliness. What WAS I thinking? c011 copy