Jackson has always done his own thing. He never cared if what he was doing was cool, uncool, or completely crazy. It didn’t matter. I know part of that is his age, but there is something else in there that just makes him march to his own beat. While everyone else is fishing, he likes to catch crabs. If there is an afternoon dove hunt, he skips it. He only likes morning hunts. If he could be at a football game, but he’d rather finish his AR book, he will, even if that means reading in the bleachers. He’s his own little man, and it’s one of the things I love about him.
Today, he found the sidewalk chalk I dug out of the cabinet from years back. Don’t expect the usual, like pictures of bugs, dragons or rainbows, out of this kid. You can forget it.
My man was doing math problems.
I hope he never changes!