Okay, I’ll start with a little back-story and a confession. Last night we took pool baths. Things get a little lax during the last week of school, and the entire family took a break from the usual nightly routine and went swimming. I didn’t even bother to dry my hair, I just twisted it in a knot and figured I’d worry about it later. Fast-forward to this morning… After we got the boys all dressed, fed and sent off to school, I sat down to my computer with my coffee and untwisted my still wet frizzy hair. Scott headed over to Gautier. At 7:35 the phone rang, and it was the secretary at Christian’s school. She said the office was crazy with kids calling home, but Christian wanted to let me know that his award ceremony was at 8:00 this morning. 8:00?? As in approximately 25 minutes? Mind you, we live 20 minutes from the school. How did I not know about this? I thanked her, then threw the phone down and raced upstairs. The next 10 minutes were a blur of a blow dryer, and clothes. Somehow I performed the miracle of making myself almost presentable. I mean I wasn’t going to win any contests, but small children wouldn’t scream at the sight of the dark circles under my eyes. I drove fast, not too fast, but just a tiny bit faster than normal, and wheeled up in front of the gym at 8:00 on the dot. I ran up to the door, and could see the kids filing in, but the door was locked, and it would take me 15 minutes to make it all the way around the fence to the front door and back through the school. Just as I started to panic, I saw a friend heading to the door to let me in. Ahhhhh! Thank you! I found a seat, and finally relaxed. The ceremony started and a few awards went by when suddenly I realized I had no idea if he was even up for any awards. As I’m sitting there thinking that I’d kill him for all the craziness he just put me through if he didn’t win an award, his name was called for a P. E. award. Okay, it was worth it. I was there to see him get his award… Phew!Then they called his name again for the most Accelerated Reader points award.
And then they called his name again for a Language Arts highest average award.
And then they called his name again for a Social Studies highest average award.
And then they called his name again for a Citizenship Award, and honestly, I teared up a little as his teacher talked about the importance of this one.
She even mentioned Christian and Dawson being co-captains for last weeks tournament and what great leadership skills they showed, all while being great sports.
I think even Christian was a bit surprised by all the awards.
After it was all over, some kids were called in to get a Star Student award, so in all, my kid got 6 awards. I was so proud.
He’s had a great school year, and did a fantastic job. Yes it was hard, on him and on me, dragging him out of bed every morning at 5:57, and oh my goodness did it suck having to push him to finish homework or study for his tests. It wasn’t a picnic listening to him complain that he never got to do anything in the afternoon because he was too busy finishing homework and life wasn’t fair, but he made it through another year, and he did it with great grades, and many awards.
I guess it was only fair that my payback for all that waking and pushing and prodding was to be given only 25 minutes to dress and race across town to watch this kid honored for all his hard work. I hope he has at least some satisfaction that all his hard work wasn’t wasted.
He’s a really good kid, he’s a really smart kid, he’s a really athletic kid, and I am really beyond proud. My hair is still slightly damp and frizzy, but I am beyond proud!