I hope it’s okay that my pictures have absolutely no relation to what I’m about to say other than it’s about Jackson. The boys had a pretty full day. Scott took them to play golf this morning and Jackson came home with a golf ball he had colored solid black. He was so proud of it. They spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the yard with friends. Jackson loves it when the big boys include him. He was right behind them traipsing through the ditch when he fell over a rock into some briars and got all scratched up. Daddy gave him some M&M’s, and he came to find me. Ah HA! After I kissed all the bo-bo’s and stopped the crying, I convinced him to sit in this basket so I could take his picture. See, it’s related, sort of, okay, not really.
Anyway, tonight after his bath he told us that he wanted MawMaw & PawPaw to come over so he could show them some stuff and would we call them. I tried to explain that it was pretty late and they may not be able to tonight but he could call. It went something like this… “MawMaw, can you come over for a little bit? I wanna show you something.” Here is where I assume she asked what he had to show her to which he answered, “I got bo-bo’s and a black ball.” I don’t know her initial response to that lovely statement. I do know she told him they were already in their pajamas and would it be alright if they came tomorrow morning? They would also bring him a surprise. Jackson said, “Fine!” but it was very obvious he didn’t mean it, and he might cry. He handed me the phone and walked away. When I picked up the phone laughing at the little grouch, Mom said, “Tell him we will be there in a few minutes, we have to get dressed.” Can he pull our strings or what???
Is it just me or does he look just like Christian here?